What are the 6 Big Personalities? [2023]

Are you curious about the 6 big personalities and how they shape who we are? Look no further! Our team at Personality Typesβ„’ is here to provide you with a comprehensive guide to the 6 big personalities, including their traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Whether you're exploring your own personality or trying to understand others better, this article has got you covered. So let's dive in and discover the fascinating world of the 6 big personalities!

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

The 6 big personalities refer to the HEXACO model of personality, which is an extension of the widely known Big Five model. The six dimensions of the HEXACO model are Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience. These dimensions capture various aspects of an individual's personality and provide a comprehensive framework for understanding human behavior.

Quick Tips and Facts

  • The HEXACO model of personality is based on extensive research and has gained recognition in the field of psychology.
  • Each of the six dimensions in the HEXACO model represents a unique aspect of personality.
  • The HEXACO model provides a more comprehensive understanding of personality compared to the Big Five model.
  • Understanding the 6 big personalities can help improve self-awareness and enhance interpersonal relationships.


The concept of the 6 big personalities stems from the HEXACO model of personality. This model proposes that there are six major dimensions that capture the different facets of an individual's personality. Let's take a closer look at each of these dimensions:

  1. Honesty-Humility: This dimension reflects an individual's sincerity, fairness, and humility. People high in Honesty-Humility tend to be trustworthy, modest, and ethical. On the other hand, those low in this dimension may be more self-centered and manipulative.

  2. Emotionality: Emotionality refers to the tendency to experience and express emotions. Individuals high in Emotionality are more likely to be sensitive, anxious, and prone to experiencing negative emotions. In contrast, those low in Emotionality are generally more emotionally stable and less reactive to stress.

  3. Extraversion: Extraversion captures the degree to which individuals seek social interaction and stimulation. People high in Extraversion are outgoing, energetic, and enjoy being the center of attention. Conversely, those low in Extraversion prefer solitude and may be more reserved.

  4. Agreeableness: Agreeableness reflects an individual's tendency to be cooperative, compassionate, and empathetic. People high in Agreeableness are considerate and value harmonious relationships. Those low in Agreeableness may be more competitive and less concerned with others' needs.

  5. Conscientiousness: Conscientiousness refers to an individual's level of organization, responsibility, and self-discipline. People high in Conscientiousness are diligent, reliable, and goal-oriented. Conversely, those low in Conscientiousness may be more impulsive and less focused on long-term planning.

  6. Openness to Experience: Openness to Experience captures an individual's receptiveness to new ideas, creativity, and intellectual curiosity. People high in Openness to Experience are imaginative, open-minded, and enjoy exploring new possibilities. Those low in this dimension may be more traditional and prefer routine.

It's important to note that all individuals possess varying degrees of each of these dimensions, and there is no "right" or "wrong" personality type. Each dimension has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it's the unique combination of these dimensions that makes each person's personality distinct.


The HEXACO model of personality was developed by Ashton and Lee in the early 2000s as an extension of the Big Five model. The Big Five model, also known as the Five-Factor Model (FFM), has been widely used and accepted in the field of personality psychology. However, the HEXACO model sought to further refine and expand upon the Big Five by incorporating the dimension of Honesty-Humility.

The development of the HEXACO model involved extensive research and analysis of personality traits across different cultures and languages. The model has since gained recognition and has been used in various studies to understand human behavior and personality differences.

Relations with Big Five model

The HEXACO model and the Big Five model are closely related, with the HEXACO model building upon the foundation of the Big Five. The Big Five model consists of five dimensions: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (also known as Emotional Stability).

The HEXACO model incorporates all of the dimensions from the Big Five model and adds the dimension of Honesty-Humility. This addition provides a more comprehensive understanding of personality, particularly in relation to ethical and moral aspects of behavior.

The Big Five and HEXACO models share similarities in some of their dimensions. For example, Extraversion in the Big Five corresponds to Extraversion in the HEXACO model. However, there are also differences in terminology and conceptualization between the two models.

Research topics

The 6 big personalities have been the subject of extensive research in the field of psychology. Researchers have explored various topics related to these dimensions, including:

  • The relationship between personality and job performance
  • The impact of personality on interpersonal relationships
  • The role of personality in health and well-being
  • The influence of personality on decision-making and risk-taking behaviors
  • The connection between personality and leadership effectiveness

These research topics highlight the importance of understanding the 6 big personalities and their implications in different areas of life. By gaining insight into these dimensions, individuals can better navigate their personal and professional relationships and make informed decisions.

Psychological effects

The 6 big personalities can have significant psychological effects on individuals. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Self-awareness: Understanding your own personality traits can enhance self-awareness and help you recognize your strengths and weaknesses. This self-awareness can lead to personal growth and development.

  • Interpersonal relationships: Recognizing and appreciating the personality traits of others can improve your relationships with them. By understanding someone's personality, you can adapt your communication style and approach to better connect with them.

  • Career choices: Certain careers may align more closely with specific personality traits. For example, individuals high in Conscientiousness may excel in roles that require attention to detail and organization, while those high in Extraversion may thrive in jobs that involve social interaction.

  • Stress management: Personality traits can influence how individuals cope with stress. For instance, individuals high in Emotionality may be more prone to experiencing stress and may benefit from stress management techniques such as mindfulness or relaxation exercises.

It's important to note that while personality traits can influence behavior and psychological well-being, they are not deterministic. Individuals have the capacity to grow and change over time, and personality is just one aspect of a person's overall identity.


Like any psychological model, the HEXACO model of personality has faced some criticisms. Here are a few common critiques:

  • Cultural bias: Some critics argue that the HEXACO model may have cultural biases, as it was primarily developed and tested in Western cultures. The applicability of the model to non-Western cultures and its cross-cultural validity have been topics of debate.

  • Overlap with Big Five: Critics suggest that the HEXACO model may not provide significant incremental validity over the Big Five model. They argue that the additional dimension of Honesty-Humility may not contribute substantially to our understanding of personality beyond what the Big Five already captures.

  • Measurement challenges: Measuring personality traits accurately can be challenging, and different measurement tools may yield slightly different results. Critics point out that the HEXACO model relies on self-report measures, which can be influenced by social desirability biases.

Despite these criticisms, the HEXACO model has made valuable contributions to the field of personality psychology and continues to be used in research and practice. It provides a comprehensive framework for understanding personality and offers insights into individual differences.


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Q: What are the 6 levels of personality?

A: The 6 levels of personality refer to the six dimensions of the HEXACO model: Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience.

Q: What are the Big 7 personality?

A: The Big 7 personality is not a widely recognized model in the field of psychology. The most commonly known model is the Big Five, which consists of five dimensions of personality. The HEXACO model, which includes six dimensions, is an extension of the Big Five.

Q: What are the big 5 personality types list?

A: The Big Five personality traits are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (also known as Emotional Stability).

Q: What is the difference between the Big 5 and HEXACO?

A: The HEXACO model is an extension of the Big Five model, with the addition of the dimension of Honesty-Humility. While the Big Five focuses on five dimensions of personality, the HEXACO model includes six dimensions, providing a more comprehensive understanding of personality.

Q: Are there only 6 big personalities?

A: The term "6 big personalities" specifically refers to the six dimensions of the HEXACO model. However, there are other models and theories that describe different aspects of personality, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Enneagram.


Understanding the 6 big personalities, as defined by the HEXACO model, provides valuable insights into human behavior and individual differences. Each dimension captures unique aspects of personality and contributes to our understanding of how people think, feel, and behave. By gaining awareness of these dimensions, individuals can enhance their self-awareness, improve their relationships, and make informed decisions that align with their personality traits.

So, whether you're exploring your own personality or seeking to understand others better, remember that we are all a unique combination of these 6 big personalities. Embrace your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and celebrate the diversity that makes each individual special!

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